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The Taurus New Moon In May 2023

Writer's picture: julyasjulyas

Time to ground your dreams and changes into fertile soil, putting your trust in the Universe and become fertile and financially abundant. The New Moon in Taurus brings in a lot of fertile and feminine energy for you.

The New Moon May 2023 is coming off a very tumultuous eclipse season that transpired during a rocky Mercury retrograde. This New Moon, in Taurus, acts as a balm, soothing our frazzled nerves amidst shocking or destabilizing external events. However it has a very high doses on feminine energy with it, feminine but super high loaded.

On Friday, May 19, 2023, at 11:53 AM EST, the Sun and Moon will align at exactly 28 degrees of Taurus, kicking off a new cycle in the stars and in our lives ready to ground it into reality here on earth.

This New Moon wants nothing more from us than to stop and calm down - even if it's just for a moment. She invites us to perceive the beauty, abundance and richness within and around us by slowing down. Are you listening , are you ready to start a very different luna cycle? The new moon in Taurus symbolically stretches out its hand to make us an offer of reconciliation and to connect more deeply to our body wisdom. Coming out of our heads back into our bodies.

Let’s look back

Yes, Mercury retrograde April 2023 has come to an end and it's likely you felt it. As if it wasn't potent enough energy, the May Full Moon 2023 coincided with the lunar eclipse May 2023. Yes, May has been a hectic month already in the Moon calendar 2023, and did i mention Pluto retrograde 2023 kicked off too? The New Moon May 2023 honestly can't come fast enough - to ground and slow us down!

If your world felt rattled, rocked, or possibly even shattered by the eclipses we just went through, this lunation is an invitation for integration. Taurus energy craves safety and dependability – which is everything that eclipses are not. Taurus is not a sign known for loving change – it’s symbolized by a sturdy, slow-moving bull, fixed, grounded and tangible.

How the taurus new moon of 2023 affects you personally

However the last two weeks has definitely brought us Change in some way, shape or form and it is never easy, sometimes change is not even wanted, but since we often don’t get a choice in the matter, especially during eclipses, we have to integrate the waves of change.

The New Moon

This New Moon in Taurus grants us now the care, nurturing, and patience we need to enter this new phase - right at the tail end of Taurus season 2023. The New Moon May 2023 is a welcome - if momentary - pause that allows us to regroup, refocus, and recommit to who we love and what we want to invest our time, money and energy in. Earth sign Taurus grounds us in what’s real and what’s tangible, asking us to indulge our senses, which we may need to rely on now.

Remember that New Moons aren’t times for certainty but for trust. Also, note that a New Moon is a time of new beginnings, so pay close attention to any new people that enter our lives or new events that occur during this time – what happens now will feature prominently in our stories later. The main difference between a New Moon and Full Moon is that New Moons are prime times for manifesting - and since we are finally out of eclipse season, we can manifest again and for sure with this abundant new moon- so mark your calendars for putting extra intention into making your wildest dreams come true.

The fixed Earth sign of Taurus is thus a very busy place at the moment, and the Taurean themes of embodiment, delight in the senses, simple pleasures, and material abundance are therefore highly emphasized in this rather intense feminine New Moon. Massive growth opportunities being initiated in this lunation. All of this spells out a New Moon that is bringing ample opportunities for grace, joy, and abundance, as well as some deeper dives into intense psychological growth processes and bringing greater awareness to our subconscious realms.

during this new moon in Taurus, expansion comes from

🌝 slowing down

🌝 inhabiting your body

🌝listening to your body wisdom

🌝 connecting with the Earth

🌝slowing down to appreciate the simple pleasures in life

🌝 cultivating gratitude

🌝 being open and available to receive

🌝compliant ways to fill your cups of abundance and let it overflow

Horoskope für den Neumond  new moon in taurus hosoroscopes 2023

Well, there is A LOT going on with this taurean energy. We have not only the Moon and the Sun in this ultra feminine earth sign, we have Jupiter, Uranus and the North Node in this abundant and fertile sign plus basically all other planets in female signs as well. Puhhhh this is huge feminine energy here folks.

So the biggest planet Jupiter entered Taurus on May 16th for one year helping us live with it. Jupiter in Taurus is bringing us big opportunities for growing abundance, manifested on earth. Reminding us that abundance and wealth is a natural law of attraction and that money is a very feminine energy, that a lot of people need to come back to and connect with. Building a new relationship with the currency that is ever changing in it’s shape and form. In addition to the annual New Moon in Taurus, innovative Uranus is also in this sign until 2025 as well as the North Node until this July. This is radical change for how we really connect with Mother Earth, our resources and values. So we have 4 significant transits helping the zodiac hold the tension of the Taurus qualities. I see Taurus as the sign of Mother Earth, our value, self-love, resources, finances, wealth and beauty. Identity and implement your two values so that you can cultivate the self-worth of knowing you’re exactly who you say you are. There’s no self-worth like it.

When it comes to financial security, there is a lot that we are now invited to reframe and do it differently.

Taurus helps us find the stability of decisiveness, the self-worth of practicing our values, and the sufficiency that repudiates scarcity.

With Jupiter squaring Pluto at the gateway into the Taurus Temple of beauty, abundance and pleasure, we are asked to face our unconscious self-limiting beliefs that have held us in patterns of fear, limiting believes and contraction about our dreams so we can open up to our most expansive pathway. We are being invited to clear out mind-control programming that misleads people into directing their energy into lower timelines, reclaim our creative life force energy, and direct our energy to co-create the most beautiful timeline for the collective. If we can live into these Taurus choices, I think we will set up our lives to work incredibly in tremendous ways not just under this New Moon.

Not to forget the ruling planet , Venus, of this new moon, is in cancer, wanting us to nurture ourselves even more. Be the parent to yourself you’ve always dreamed of.

We have been reorienting our values around abundance and wealth. We are learning to open up to our body wisdom more and more to stay oriented to our values. The more aligned we are to our authentic values, the more coherent our energy field is to more easefuly create in our lives.

If you are ready and want to learn more about ways on how you can set yourself free and financially abundant so you don’t have to think about any decision again regarding weather you can afford something or not ? Then I invite you to join our Healy community where we do business TOGETHER and reframing financial freedom, bringing this feminine energy back into balance and hands of conscious wo(man).

Questions to ask yourself?
  • * Where are you holding yourself back when it comes to living your dreams ?

  • * How is your relationship to money?

  • * Are you willing to change the relationship to money and see it a s one of the most feminine energies that exist?

  • * where are you self-sabotaging your self-worth?

  • * How can you tune more into your body’s wisdom?

  • * How much are you connected to nature and listening to it ?

  • * Can you slow down in order to receive?

medical astrology for the taurus new moon in 2023. Health Horoskope Neumond.

This New Moon has an emphasize on a High Yin-Kapha energy, because so many planets are in taurus or other female signs. This New Moon is good for pregnancy, fertility, harvesting, fertilizing.

Downside of too much yin can be: depression, fatigue, sensitive, stagnation, swelling in the body.

Emphasis on the neck and potentially for hip problems (high emotions because of this high feminine energy), tremendous amount of growth and abundance available not only for your finances but for your health as well.

Learn more about medical astrology and this new moon in my Healy CoMOONity.

If you want to know what's going on in 2023 with ALL the Astrology and how to use it best then I highly suggest you the Astro Bundle of 2023 (German language only) Contact me directly for English version request

Listen to the Moonmedicine Podcast Episode for this Aries Solar Eclipse on the Holi Hub Podcast
(German Version)
all explained very well in German

Welcome to the Age of Aquarius

As we all may have noticed that there is a shift happening since the last two years, right? And this is all about finding new ways of living, being, existing, healing, teaching, earning money and building community. This is what it will look like for the next few decades, simply because we are entering a new way of doing things aka „new earth“.

Most people agree that something needs to change in order to live our lifes fully embraced into grace, joy, freedom, health and wealth. The change is here and we as the collective as a community have the ability to create the freedom, the wealth, the abundance, the health and life that we desire for ourselves, our families, friend and others. Thanks to Pluto being in Aquarius this is what future will bring us and the future is now.

In other words:

"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of Energy, Frequency and Vibration“. -Nikola Tesla

Frequency is the medicine of the future as we as humans exist 99,99999% out of energy if we break our physical body down to the tiniest atom in our cell. There you’ll find nothing but space and energy and that’s what scientist and doctors have studied over the last 20-30 years and are only now starting to share this information or better said humanity is just waking up to this understanding :-). Changing your frequencies in the body and bioresanz field and tuning into the frequencies that YOUR UNIQUE body needs and all its organs and cells to heal and attract the situations and life you want, its impossible to not use the only frequency device that’s on the market that can do this.

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The first portable frequency therapy device & wearable for health, well-being and balance.

In real time, Healy analyzes the frequencies you need and transfers them to your body so that any imbalances are corrected. Only this device can do that worldwide. Plus, the Healy is small, easy to take with you anywhere, and you can do whatever you want while benefiting from its supportive effects.

Healy is FDA approved an has helped thousands of people heal from various symptoms and diseases by shifting their frequencies and life.


If you want to dive into the Background of Healy and get an explanation on the science behind Healy explained by Founder Marcus Schmiecke, a German quantum physics who spend also 12 years being a monk and combining science with spirituality in order to help people heal their lives than this video is for you. Watch here.

If you want to work more with Astrology or you would like to deal more with the philosophy and science of the planets in order to get to know yourself and your life purpose better, then I cordially invite you to my Astro Readings. You can choose between different Readings according your needs and desires. I offer in-depth detailed version like „Your whole Blueprint Birthchart“ and your Astro Health Reading.

If you feel and hear the call to start this new moon and new circle with more aligned astro informations about yourself than I can’t wait to see you in person or via zoom.

I wish you a beautiful, abundant new moon and time to slow down over the weekend

many new moon blessings



*This post provides general information and discussion on health and related topics. The information and other content provided on this post or in linked materials is not intended and should not be construed as medical advice or supplementation, nor is the information a substitute for professional medical expertise or treatment. Please note that crystals and other forms of New Age holistic healing are to be used alongside, not in replacement of, Western medicine. Should you have serious symptoms we recommend you visit a doctor for treatment.


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