First of all, let's have a brief intro into the history of medical astrology. It is referenced in ancient texts from Babylon and Egypt to India, Europe and early American folklore medicine.
It is not a diagnosis but a suggestion of how or why certain individuals may experience different levels of health or illness and gives ideas of living that may enhance one’s well-being.
Similar to traditional Chinese medicine and Ayurvedic theory, medical astrology also uses the 4 elements both for understanding a person’s health weaknesses and strengths but also in the application and choice of foods, herbal medicines and activities to restore equilibrium.
The natal chart becomes a blueprint that enables the practitioner and client to better understand their constitution and how to find and apply appropriate avenues of holistic living for optimum mind/body health by looking at the Planets, Houses and Signs.
Since Julia can think of she was addicted to the moon and everything spirituality and mystic. Her believe in the divine energy and higher source has always been very strong. As a daughter of a naturopath she was lucky to grew up with natural remedies and got familiar with it from a very young age. When she started her own healing journey of finding solutions for her acne and chronic sore throat she discovered more of the wonders of alternative medical systems. Unfortunately no Doctor could helped her at all except prescribing drugs with the side effects of miscarriage eventually. That made Julia dig and dive even deeper in natural healing methods with a minimus of bad side effects as possible. As a Yoga Therapist and holistic nutritionist she finally completed her Knowledge in astro medicine on her Journey through Australia in 2020/2021 with Mentors from the Sydney astrology school and the Lodon school of astrology.
People seek council on Julia for advices on curing ailments after according to the diagnosis by their doctor. Julia relies and trusts the prognosis of the doctor so she can treat the disorder with the right remedies regarded to astro medicine, which includes herbal teas, schüssler salts, bachflowers, specific designed nutririon, and other spiritual healing methods.
The Results, benefits and healing people see and get from medical astrology is changing their lifes completely to the better.
Medical Astrology and Astrology in general can help people find their true meaning in life, understand their obstacles they have to overcome and what type of gifts they carry within themselves. Its the blueprint of one's Soul, the ID card, the manual Handbook to life. Since Julia started looking deeper into astrology regarded to her own health but also to her whole life, everything felt so much easier and lighter.
Questions like, Why is this happening to me? How lucky am I to receive this? What is my Job/Purpose here on Earth? How can I change my current situation ? or even How can I transform my life and find Love, Bliss, Money, Abundance, Health and Joy in this Lifetime ?
These are all questions that Astrology has an answer for by simply looking at the natal Chart of a person. It is like the Diagnosis for your entire life.
My Job as an Astrologer is neither to predict you your entire future nor to tell you a worst case scenario, my Job is to show you your Blueprint and explain you the impact and Energy The Planets have on your Life regarded on your unique and individual Birth Chart. I see it as a gift and vessel we can use to navigate through life and to work with the energy around , above and within us.
Astrology is not a miracle, it is reading the energy the universe provides us, yet it is magic medicine.
Medical Astrologer, educated with the Health of Astrology, Lecturers from the Sydney Astrology School and the London School of Astrology.
“A physician without a knowledge of Astrology has no right to call himself a physician.“
Father of all medicine